Bee Smart Designs Gripper Review
Today I'm reviewing a new product called the Ultimate Frame Gripper Multi-Tool, or simply the "Gripper" by Bee Smart Designs.

The Gripper Multi-tool allows beekeepers to release and lift a frame without taking your hand off the tool. The gripper features a blade to twist frames apart from each other.

The Gripper also has a J-hook to assist in lifting the ears of a frame, which is really handy when the bees have used propolis to secure the frames into place.

The gripper plates that clasp onto the top of the frame have a small finger to keep the frames (wood or plastic) from slipping and the ergonomic handle feels great.

To put this tool to the test I took it with me on my inspection of the 5 hives in my yard.
The Gripper is entirely plastic with the exception of a steel spring that helps open the Gripper back up when you release the handle, after replacing a frame back into the hive.
Using the Gripper I was easily able to slide a frame over and clasp onto the desired frame in the hive I wanted to inspect.

In this case, it was a honey super frame that was filled and capped. The frame was heavy and would be awkward to maneuver without the assistance of a Gripper.

The Gripper was able to lift the fully capped frame of honey with ease, allowed me to inspect the frame and replace it back into the hive with a single hand.
Honesty/Transparency Statement: Bee Smart Designs provided a free "Gripper" for
my reviewing purposes. If you're interested, continue reading on how you
can have your product reviewed and posted on this blog.
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